High Performance Surface Technologies

Bolta develops and produces surface-finished components – predominantly for the automotive industry. A focus that benefits all parties involved. As a partner of the most prestigious manufacturers we continually help them to shape their image. The results are components that emphasize our customers’ quality and brand values – and bring them to life. From nameplates to decorative trims and elements all the way to large and particularly complex components: We transform technical challenges into first-class solutions. Worldwide – with consistently high quality standards.

“High Performance Surface Technologies” is more than an advertising slogan for us – it defines our performance promise: The perfect combination of performance and quality.

Welcome to Bolta Werke!

BOLTA - Basic facts

Bolta Customers

Partner of Audi, BMW, Ford, MAN, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, Volkswagen

Bolta Employees

3,200 employees worldwide
(as of August 2017)

Production Sites

Germany (headquarters), USA and Mexico

Synchronised production processes, the same machines and equipment, consistent product dimensions on all sites.

Bavaria’s Best 50

Every year the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs recognizes particularly fast-growing medium-sized enterprises with the BAVARIA’S BEST 50 award.

In 2013 and 2016, Bolta was one of the award winners.